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  2. Using Cropster
  3. Sharing & Exporting Cropster Data

Exporting Cropster Data

This article explains how to export your Cropster data and introduces the details of all the different exporting options.

Exporting data from the online platform C-sar 

To export data you need to log into the online platform C-sar first. 
💡 All data in Cropster is exportable.

You can find the Export button on the following pages:

  1. Overview pages (e.g. Roast)
  2. Detail pages (e.g. Roast detail page)

Exporting data from the Overview pages

From our Overview pages (Roast, Inventory, and Samples*) all data can be exported one by one or in bulk. 
*Samples are available only for Professional and higher tiers.

By following the steps below you can export the data from the Roast overview page:

  1. Log into the online platform C-sar and navigate to the respective overview page. 
  2. Select one or more lots you would like to export by clicking the respective checkboxes next to the PR number. 
  3. A menu bar will appear on the top of the Roast overview page
  4. Click on the dropdown next to the Export button and select from the export options. 
    Screenshot 2024-02-21 at 13.29.37

💡 The same workflow applies for exporting data from the Inventory and Samples* overview pages.


Exporting data from the Detail pages 

If you would like to export or print a specific roast, lot, or sample individually, you can export the data from the Detail pages by following the steps below:

  1. Log into the online platform C-sar .
  2. Navigate to the Roast, Inventory or Samples* overview page. 
  3. Click on the respective ID-tag to access the detail page. 
  4. Click the Export button on the top right corner of the page and choose from the export options. 
    💡The export options differ depending on which overview page you are on. 

PR detail page (Roast):
Screenshot 2024-02-21 at 13.25.11

PG detail page (Inventory):
Screenshot 2024-02-21 at 13.27.13

SG detail page (Samples):
Screenshot 2023-08-14 at 10.45.39


Exporting options 

The exporting options vary depending on which Overview page or Detail page you have accessed.

Overview page and Detail page Export options
Excel (.xls)
Print full details (.pdf)
Roast curve
Excel (.xls)
Generate sample labels
Print full details (.pdf)
Quality PDF
Quality PDF summary
Excel (.xls)
Generate sample labels
Print full details (.pdf)
Quality (PDF)
Quality PDF summary
Excel (.xls)
Summary PDF


The details of all the different exporting options

Exporting option Details 
Excel You can select which fields (columns) you want to include in the Excel report. Click on the correspondent checkboxes and confirm with Export to Excel. 
After downloading the report, you can still add additional information to the file. 
Generate Sample Labels  You can customize how the label looks or upload a logo under Customize Label.
📚 Learn about sharing a lot information using SLIC.

The PDF option will export data depending on what overview page you are exporting from.

If you are exporting data from the Roasts overview page, you will export information about your roasts e.g. Profiles. In this PDF export, you can see roast curves for your tracked measurements, along with their RoR (Rate of Rise) curves, and recorded roast events.

If you are exporting data from the Sensorial Analysis or Cupping Sessions overview pages, you will export data (similar to the Summary PDF) about your cuppings e.g. scores.


When selecting Print, a window will pop up where you can customize the information you want printed.
The Print button is only available on certain detail pages, which can be accessed by clicking on the ID tag you wish to see.

Print full details (.pdf)
The Print full details (.pdf) option is only available for green lots(e.g. SG-, PG-tags) and roasted lots (e.g. PR-, PB-tags).
If you would like to print a more detailed view of your lot/roast, use the Print full details option.

Select the information you'd like to include in your PDF, then click on Export to PDF to download your information to a PDF file. 
📚 Learn how to use the Print full details option to export a lot/roast data from Cropster.
Quality PDF The Quality PDF option will export the lot's information, and detailed physical and sensorial data linked to this lot.

The export option will also provide a diagram representing the cupping scores per evaluator, and more detailed information for each evaluator than the Quality PDF Summary export. 
Quality PDF Summary This option is similar to the Quality PDF.
It will export the lot's information and provide a summary of any physical and sensorial data linked to the selected lot.
Roast curve

The Roast curve option will download the roast file in crc. format for the roast in question.
💡 You can import .crc roast files from other Cropster accounts into yours, or have other Cropster users import your roasts to their accounts. The Roast curve export is only available from the roast's detail page.

📚 Learn how to export and import roasts from one Cropster account to another. 
Summary PDF The Summary PDF will export general cupping data such as descriptors used, and average scores for the cupping(s).
📚 Learn how to export sensorial and cupping session data.

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Congratulations! You are now ready to export Cropster Data!

Your opinion matters. If you have further questions, feedback, or concerns, please feel free to reach out by submitting a support ticket directly from support.cropster.com