What is an ID-tag

This article will provide you with information about Cropster ID-tags.

Two-letter code 

What do the letters stand for?
SG Sample Green
PG Production Green
SR Sample Roast
PR Production Roast
PB Post-roast blend
QC Quality Cupping
QS Quality Session
OR Order
OF  Order Fulfillment
PPL Packaging Plan


The ID tags consist of a two-letter code and a sequential number, e.g. PG-0001.

If you are using other ID numbers for green coffee tracking you can use the Reference ID (ERP)- or Tracking number field when creating a green lot. 

The Reference ID can be used to connect information across multiple systems. For example, if you have an in-house ERP system (SAP, Netsuite, etc.) then these will identify each coffee sample/lot with a unique code. You can use this code as the Reference ID as a way to refer to the same coffees across this system.

Your opinion matters. If you have further questions, feedback, or concerns, please feel free to reach out by submitting a support ticket directly from support.cropster.com