Managing Profiles

This article explains how to create a single origin Profile and manage Profiles.

Managing Profiles is available for the following products

  • Roast (all tiers)
  • Commerce (all tiers)

Why use Profiles?

In Cropster, we use the term Profiles to refer to the recipe you use to create your final product. 

The method of roasting can be compared to cooking. To cook a delicious meal, you need a recipe, which is your Profile in this case. The recipe gives you the ingredients and also the instructions. 

Profiles allow you to track each roast based on how you roast them. Additionally, within a Profile, you can set a Reference Curve.

Creating a Profile

There are three types of Profiles in Cropster:

  1. Single origin Profile
  2. Pre-roast blend Profile
  3. Post-roast blend Profile 

Single origin Profile

To create a Single origin Profile, you need to follow the steps below:

  1. Log in to the online platform C-sar.
  2. Navigate to Roasts on the main menu bar and select Profiles by clicking on the dropdown. You will be directed to the Profiles overview page
  3. Click on +Add profile on the top right side of the page. 
    Screenshot 2025-02-21 at 09.16.46
  4. Select Single origin.
    💡 Profile Groups and Goals are only available for Professional and higher tiers. 
    Screenshot 2025-02-21 at 09.18.33
    Enter the following details: 
    * is indicating mandatory fields.
        • Profile name*
        • Profile Group
        • Name roasted batch using
        • Reference roast
        • Associated green lots 
          💡 You can include multiple green lots in your Profile. The sequence in which you add them will dictate the order in which new green lots are assigned to the Profile in the Roasting Intelligence (RI) after the current one is completed.
        • Ideal batch size
        • Expected weight loss
          💡 If you leave this field empty, Cropster will automatically enter the average weight loss after 10 roasts.
        • Restrict profile to these machine
        • Add to a project
        • Notes
        • Goals

6.  Click on Create profile.

7.   To make the Profile available in the Roasting Intelligence (RI), you need to click on the SyncIcon@2x cropster.freshdesk.comensupportsolutionsarticles228552-how-to-synchronize-the-rihitSynchronize button in the Roasting Intelligence (RI).

Screenshot 2025-01-30 at 13.18.35

We recommend a maximum number of 100 Profiles. If you have exceed the recommended amount of active Profiles, please archive any Profiles you may not need as this may lead to synchronization problems with the Roasting Intelligence (RI). 

The Profile details page 

Once you click on a Profile on the overview page, you will be directed to the Profile details page.

Here you can copy, archive, export and also edit your Profiles. 
Screenshot 2024-07-17 at 16.25.24

You can see the following details on the Profile details page:

  • The status of the Profile

    • Active (marked with green colour)

      Screenshot 2023-10-05 at 14.52.11
    • Profile with empty lot (marked with orange)
      Screenshot 2023-10-05 at 14.54.46
    • Archived profile (marked with grey colour)
  • Machine/Location
    If the profile is restricted to a certain machine, you will see the information here. The location is linked to the machine the profile is assigned to. 
  • View full report 
    💡If you click on View full report, you will be directed to the Production Report overview page.
  •  Components
    You can edit your green lots in this section. 
    • Add the green lots by clicking on +. (1)
    • Remove the green lots by clicking on x. (2)
    • Customize the information displayed by clicking on the dropdown next to Customize. (3)
      Screenshot 2024-07-17 at 16.27.31
  • Reference roast
    This section shows the reference roast of the Profile. You can customize the view using the action fields on the right side of the graph. 
    📚 Learn more about setting a Reference Curve
    Screenshot 2024-07-17 at 16.30.34

Managing Profiles 

You can edit, archive and copy your Profiles as well as track the production of your profiles directly via the Profiles overview page
Screenshot 2024-07-16 at 15.00.45

Select the informations you would like to see on the overview page. (1)

You can replace your lots by clicking on the Arrow icon next to the green lot or select Replace green lot on the top of the page. (2)
You can archive your profile by clicking on the green dot or Archive. (3)




Edit your profile by clicking on the Pencil icon. (4)
Copy your profile by clicking on the Copy icon. (5)
Track the production of your profiles by checking the box next to the profile and click Open in production report. (6)

Click Profile clean-up to bulk archive your unused profiles. (7)


Can I view my archived Profiles?

Yes, you can. Click on the dropdown next to Customize on the overview page and scroll down to the end.
If you toggle the button next to Show archived Profiles, you will be able to see the previously archived Profiles on the overview page. 
Screenshot 2024-07-16 at 14.38.36

Can I replace green lots in multiple Profiles?
Yes, you can.
By following the steps below you can find and replace the previously added lot with a new one: 

  1. Navigate to the Profiles overview page, click Replace green lot.
  2. Start typing the name of the lot you would like to replace.
  3. Click on Search for profiles and Cropster will list all the related Profiles.
  4. Select the profiles you want to replace the lot in by checking the checkbox next to the profile's name.
  5. Confirm the change by clicking on Replace.
    💡The green lot will be replaced for all future roasts.

Can I delete Profiles?

Yes, you can. It's important to know that to know, that you need to archive the Profiles before you can delete them. 

By following the steps below you can delete Profiles:
  1. Mark the checkbox at the Profile(s) you wish to delete. 
  2. Click on Archive on the top left side of the page.
  3. Click on the DeleteIcon@2x (1) Delete icon on the right side of the page at the Profile(s) you previously archived. 
  4. A warning message will pop up: 
    Screenshot 2024-07-17 at 17.00.22
  5. Click on Delete to finalize. 

Once you delete a Profile, it cannot be undone.

Related content

Congratulations! You are now ready to create a Single origin Profile and manage Profiles.

Your opinion matters. If you have further questions, feedback, or concerns, please feel free to reach out by submitting a support ticket directly from