Using the Production Report

This article explains how to use the Production Report.

The Production Report is available for the following products:

  • Roast: All tiers
  • Commerce
  • Origin: All tiers 

Why use the Production Report?

With the help of the Production Report you can take a closer look at the past production and how production has changed over time. This is a useful tool that can not only give you a snapshot of your earlier production, but also help planning for the future production periods. 
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💡 By clicking on Start tour you can easily familiarize yourself with the Production report overview page. A window will pop up and by clicking Next > it will navigate you to each section and also introduce its elements. 

The Production Report overview page

By following the steps below you can open the Production Report via the online platform C-sar:

  1. Log in to the online platform C-sar.
  2. Navigate to the Reports on the main menu bar.
  3. Select Production Report
  4. Enter the date range you'd like to take a look at by clicking on the calendar next to the dates.
    Screenshot 2024-01-04 at 13.54.20
  5. Select the Location by clicking on the dropdown.
  6. Add the Average (e.g. Per week, Per day, Per month).
  7. Click on Apply filters.
    💡 If there was no production in the selected time period, a warning message will pop up on the bottom of the page with the same text. In this case, you need to change your filter settings.

All roasts between 00:00 a.m. (start date) and 23:59 p.m. (end date) are taken into account. 

After selecting a Date range, you will find the following summary on the top of the Production Report overview page
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Production summary (1)

The Production summary shows you the key figures for the selected date range. 

  • The total weight of your roasted coffee
  • The total number of batches that have been roasted
  • The average weight of your roasted coffee per month/week/day (depending on the average selected)
  • A comparison of the output to the previous period
  • The green inventory used

Summary machines (2)

The machine summary shows you the output per roast machine in percent, kg or lbs and number of batches.

Summary of roast technicians (3)

Here you find information on the output per roast technician in percent, kg or lbs and number of batches.

Output filters

You can filter the output by the following factors:  

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    Marking a roast consumed doesn't impact the Production Report. The roast was still done, so the Production Report still reflects it as a roasted batch.


    Output by Profile

    The Output by Profile tab displays your production by profile from high to low output volume. 

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    💡 Use the Customize button to optimize the columns and to only display information that is of great value for you. The customized view will be saved for your user. 

    Scroll down to the overview of your production over time for the selected period.

    Output by Green Inventory

    The Output by Green Inventory tab displays your production by green inventory used, backward-sorted by lot weight. 

    Screenshot 2024-10-17 at 16.01.20
    💡 Use the Customize button to optimize the columns and to only display information that is of great value for you. The customized view will be saved for your user. 

    Scroll down to the overview of your production over time for the selected period.

    Price per unit numbers will show up in the report as the price the batch was at the time it was roasted. Updating the price per unit will not override the previous price of any roasted batch on the report.

    Deleting a roast can cause discrepancies between the Output by profile and Output by green inventory view. If you intend to undo a roast and roll back the green inventory accordingly, you need to set the start and end weights of a roast to 0.

    📚 Learn how to undo a roast.

    Output by Roast machines/Roast technicians

    The Output by roast machines/roast technicians will pull up a more detailed production summary per machine and roast technician. 

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    These are accumulated values for the selected period. No production over time overview is available in this view. 

    Output by Profile group

    The Output by profile group tab displays your production per profile group, backward-sorted by output volume. 

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    💡 Use the Customize button to optimize the columns and to only display information that is of great value for you. The customized view will be saved for your user.

    Production over time

    From the following tabs you can scroll down to the bottom of the page to get an overview of your Production over time:

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    💡 When clicking on Generate graph a graph will appear where the x-axis shows the time period and the y-axis shows the output volume. 

    To check how your production has developed over time, check the box next to Compare to previous time period/year. A faded out graph appears next to the current one, showing you how the output has changed over time. 
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    Exporting the Production Report

    Use the Export button in the top right corner of the window to print your report or export your data into an Excel or PDF-file. 

    Screenshot 2024-10-17 at 16.06.01

    Print: Print the current page with all the information displayed.

    Excel: Exports the information from the table into an Excel file.

    Roast protocol report (.pdf): Prints all roasts created within the selected period to a PDF file.

    Roast protocol report (.xls): Exports all roasts within created within the selected period to an Excel file.

    Related content:

    Congratulations! You are now ready to use the Production Report.

    Your opinion matters. If you have further questions, feedback, or concerns, please feel free to reach out by submitting a support ticket directly from