Joper (with Cropster sticker) - Roasting Intelligence (RI) Setup

This manual covers the connection to the Joper roast machine with USB port and Cropster sticker.



Supported measurements

  • Bean temperature
  • Exhaust temperature

    Roasting Intelligence (RI) Setup

    Installing the Roasting Intelligence (RI) software

    1. Download RI.

    2. Complete the installation process by following the steps provided.

    3. Double-click the Cropster icon on your desktop to access RI.

    4. Enter your username and password.
      Use the same login information that you use to access the online platform C-sar.

    5. Click the Login button. 

    Check out the Release notes for every version of RI5 to stay updated on the latest features and improvements.

    You can access the Release notes directly in RI by clicking on Help > Release Notes.

    Establishing a connection to the machine

      1. If you are setting up RI for the first time, click the Select Machine button in the banner at the top or click gear-png-2 Preferences  > Machine > Configuration bottom left to access the Preferences screen.
        📚 Learn how to use the keyboard shortcuts in RI.
      2. To choose the Roast machine, click on the dropdown menu in the Machine section

        💡 After selecting the machine from the dropdown menu, the roast machine settings may automatically be filled in. You have the flexibility to edit these settings at any time to ensure they align with the specifications of your roasting machine. 

        📚 Learn how to add a new roast machine. 
      3. After selecting the machine all supported measurements will load.
        Change the order of the measurements by using the  Drag and Drop icon and moving it into position.
      4. Switch on the measurements you would like to enable and select Temperature sensor (Ungrounded K/J/E/T-type thermocouples) from the dropdown. 
        💡 Make your measurement readouts more compact. Choose the size of your measurement readouts by selecting either the Small or Large view for display. 
      5. Screenshot 2024-07-25 at 16.15.28
      6. Assign the Channel.
        💡 Double-check with Channel settings stated on Cropster sticker next to USB port. 
        • Bean temp.: Channel 0
        • Exhaust: Channel 1
      7. Select K from the dropdown Type of thermocouple.
      8. Click Save to finalize the changes. 

      9. After saving the changes, RI will automatically restart. If the setup was successful, you will see the temperature values displayed on the right-hand side of the RI screen following the restart.

    Screenshot 2024-07-23 at 12.45.55

    📚 Learn more about the Roasting Intelligence (RI) Preferences


    If the RI indicates No source connected and/or you cannot see any measurements, please check the following: 

    • Is the USB cable connected to the computer? 
    • Is the Phidgets driver installed?
    • Mac only: has the Phidgets driver been enabled in the Mac's Security & Privacy settings?

    Congratulations! You have successfully set up the Cropster Roasting Intelligence!

    Check out the Roasting Intelligence (RI5) - Getting Started manual and enjoy tracking your first roasts! More manuals and videos can be found on