Adding a new roast machine

This article explains how to add a new roast machine.


You need to have the Group Administrator's permission to perform the steps outlined in this article.


Adding a new machine


  1. Log into the online platform C-sar.
  2. Navigate to Settings top right and Machines. 
  3. To add a new machine click on +Add new machine.
    Screenshot 2023-08-01 at 16.58.18
  4. Enter the following information:
    * is indicating mandatory fields.
    • Machine type*: Select a machine type from the list by clicking on the drop-down.
      If you can not find the machine type, select Other at the end of the list and specify it. 
    • Capacity*
    • Manufacturing year: You can find this information on the roaster's label.
    • Additional name: You can give a unique name here to identify the machine in case you have multiple machines from the same model.
    • + Add ERP ID: For IKAWA machines only. 
    • Usage: You need to choose between Production roaster and Sample roaster. 
      Sample roaster is only available for Professional and higher tiers. 
    • Location*: Assign your machine to a location. You can learn how to add and manage your location.
    • Additional information: It is only relevant if you select Other as machine type or IKAWA machine. This field allows you to send any information in particular about the machine to our Customer Success Team in case you require assistance. The information isn't going to be displayed afterwards. 
      Screenshot 2023-08-07 at 13.18.42
  • Supported measurements: You can add, remove and change the order of the supported measurements as they appear in RI (Roasting Intelligence).
    • Click +Add measurements to add additional measurements to your machine.
      💡 Supported measurements are dependent on your machine and the possible connection option. If you are unsure about the supported measurements for your machine type, navigate to the Cropster connects page and look for the details of your machine.
    • You can also change the order of the supported measurements as they appear in RI (Roasting Intelligence) by dragging and dropping the measurements into the desired order.   
      Screenshot 2023-08-07 at 11.50.19   

Once you added a new machine, you will receive an email which confirms that a new machine has been successfully added to your account. The email contains three steps to follow to begin to roast with the machine on RI (Roasting Intelligence):

  1. Log into the Roasting Intelligence (RI).
  2. Navigate to the gear-png-1 Preferences > Machine > Configuration tab.
    Screenshot 2024-04-03 at 11.42.04
  3. Select the Machine by clicking on the dropdown at the Roasting Machine section. 
    💡By clicking on the Drag and drop icon you can reorder your machine measurements. 
    💡 You can also make your measurement readouts more compact by selecting Small or Large view at the machine measurements. 

In case you are experiencing issues, you can contact us.

Adding a new machine type

If you selected Other as the machine type, you need to define the Other machine type*.Screenshot 2023-08-07 at 13.04.36

Once you added a new machine, you will receive an email which confirms that a new machine has been successfully added to your account. Since the new machine type is currently not recognised by us, a member from our Customer Success Team will contact you within one business day to get more information about your machine and help you to connect it to Roasting Intelligence (RI). 

Editing the machine details

Follow the steps below to modify the machine details:

  1. Click the  Edit button on the right side of the Machines overview page and you can edit the details of the machine. 
    💡 Machine type can not be edited. 
    Screenshot 2023-08-02 at 10.49.58
  2. Confirm the changes with Update machine
    Screenshot 2023-08-02 at 10.55.09

Removing the machine

Follow the steps below to remove the machine:

  1. Click the Delete button on the right side of Machines overview page and you can delete the selected machine.
    Screenshot 2023-08-02 at 11.04.48
  2. Before you finalise the deletion, a warning will pop up with the following text:
    Screenshot 2023-08-02 at 11.06.40
  3. If you are sure that you want to delete the machine, confirm it by clicking on Delete.

The machine will not be deleted from the existing roast but you won't be able to filter for this machine and it also won't be shown in the reports. 

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Congratulations! You are now ready to add a new roast machine. 

Your opinion matters. If you have further questions, feedback, or concerns, please feel free to reach out by submitting a support ticket directly from