Using the Roast Compare Report

This article explains how to use the Roast Compare Report.

Roast Compare is available for the following products

  • Roast - all tiers 

Why use the Roast Compare Report? 

The Roast Compare Report includes all roast curves, comments. It also combines the sensorial and roast data. The more data you track, the more extensive your comparison will be.  

With the Roast Compare Report, you can:

  • Gather the relevant roast processing information and complete a comprehensive quality evaluation.
  • Make connections between your coffee's cupping results and link the flavor to your roast data and events tracked by using Cropster. 
  • Obtain your ideal roast. 

Did you know that you can mark events and add comments in the Roasting Intelligence (RI) during roasting?
📚 Learn how to mark events during roasting

The Roast Compare Report overview page

By following the steps below you can navigate to the Roast Compare Report overview page

  1. Log in to the online platform C-sar.
  2. Navigate to the Reports on the main menu bar.
  3. Select Roast Compare Report.
  4. You will be directed to the Your roasts overview page.
  5. Select the roasts you would like to compare by clicking the respective checkboxes next to the PR numbers
    💡Only the curves of the first 10 selected will be displayed. As soon as you deselect any roasts, the next roast on the list will be shown.
  6. Select the Screenshot 2024-10-11 at 11.18.20 green Show Report button located in the top right corner of the page to generate your comparison report.

The Roast Compare Report components

There are three components of the Roast Compare Report you can view on the same page:
  1. Display
  2. Settings
  3. Tables

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On the right side of the Roast graph you can see the Display section. 
By clicking on the respective checkboxes you can add the following data/tables to your Roast Compare Report:

  • Between batch: Show between batch data on charts.
  • Roast graph
    💡 You will be able to see all the supported measurements during the roasts. 
  • Other graphs:
    • Modulation chart
  • Tables
By clicking on the respective checkboxes you can modify the graph data accordingly:

Screenshot 2024-02-12 at 08.33.28


You can add the following settings by clicking on  SettingsIcon (4)-png Settings right next to the Display section:

  1. Temperature
  2. Rate of Rise (RoR) settings
    💡 By clicking the checkbox next to Modify RoR settings you can further streamline these settings. 
  3. RoR time expression
  4. Comment types to show 
  5. RoR axis settings
  6. Zoom



Your roasts need to be cupped to have the sensorial data available for comparison. 
📚 Learn how to create Sensorial sessions via the Roast overview page. 

Scrolling down to the Quality table on the Roast Compare Report overview page you can examine your roasts by selecting different viewpoints.
By clicking on the dropdown next to Quality you can add the following viewpoints:

  • Average
  • Descriptors
  • General comments
  • Categories
  • Evaluators 
  • Physical

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Brew quality

On the Brew quality table you can also select different viewpoints by clicking on the dropdown. 

By clicking on the dropdown on the Statistics table you can compare the finer details of your roasts, such as:

  • Development time
  • First crack
  • Start temperature
  • End temperature
  • Roast value
  • Roast value 2
  • Development time ratio
  • Roast area index

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On the Consistency table you can check if your roast has fulfilled all the Roast Goals and if any QC deviation has been detected. 
Screenshot 2024-02-09 at 14.43.14

Marking a Reference Roast on the Roast Compare Report 

You can update your Reference Roast while you are analyzing your data with the Roast Compare Report. 

Simply scroll up to the top of the page and mark the yellow star next to PR number of the roast you would like to set as your new Reference Roast. Screenshot 2024-02-23 at 15.26.03


1. Can I add more roasts to the Roast Compare Report while analyzing the data?

Yes, you can. Simply scroll up in your Roast Compare view to find more roasts to add your comparison by clicking on the respective checkboxes next to the PR numbers. 

2. Can I remove roasts from the Roast Compare Report? 

Yes, you can. Just navigate to the Your selected Roasts section on the right side of the page and click on the respective checkbox at the roast you wish to remove. 

3. I would like to edit my roasts after the comparison. How can I do that? 

We recommend you to use the Curve Designer to make adjustments. This way you will have your original curve, but also an additional adjusted one. 

Related content

Congratulations! You are now ready to use the Roast Compare Report.

Your opinion matters. If you have further questions, feedback, or concerns, please feel free to reach out by submitting a support ticket directly from