How to create a roast online (Curve Designer)

This article explains the process of creating a roast manually using the Cropster Curve Designer.

Creating a roast online (using the Cropster Curve Designer) is available for the following products:

  • Roast (all tiers)
  • Commerce 

Why use the Cropster Curve Designer?

With the Cropster Curve Designer, you can:

  • Create roasts from scratch.
  • Copy the roast curve of an already existing roast.
  • Making adjustments to your roasts according to the Roast Compare Report
  • Import a roast curve from a different system and adapt the curve to meet your needs.

It is important to know that when you create a roast online, the green weight will get deducted from the Green Inventory

Adding a roast

All roasts done with the Cropster Roasting Intelligence are logged automatically.

By following the steps below you can add roasts manually

  1. Log into the online platform C-sar .
  2. Navigate to Roasts on the main menu bar. 
  3. Select Roasts
  4. You will be directed to the Roasts overview page
  5. To add new roasts click on the dropdown next to the green Add button on the top right side of the page. 
    Screenshot 2024-02-15 at 11.36.44
  6. Select Roast (Curve Designer).
  7. You will be directed to the Add a non-logged roast page
  8. Enter the following details:
    • Roast name
    • Date
    • Duration
    • Profile
    • Machine
    • Roast technician
    • Roast value
    • Roast value 2
    • Project
    • Roast notes
    • Green lot
      💡 By clicking on +Add blend component you can add more components.
    • Start weight (green)
    • End weight (roasted)
  9. The next section is the Roasting curve section where you can select between the following options:
  10. Click Create roast to submit.

Adding a Roasting curve

You can select between the following three options:

  1. Creating a curve
  2. Copying a curve
  3. Uploading a curve

Creating a curve

To create your own roasting curve, click the Create curve button. A default graph appears at the bottom. 
💡 You can see how each tool works by hovering over it.

  • Screenshot 2024-02-15 at 13.08.43
    • To adjust the curve, simply move the data points with your mouse.
    • To adjust the axes, drag the data point (e.g. the one that marks the turning point) outside the graph. When you drop the data point, the axes will adjust automatically.
    • To add a new data point, double click at the curve where you want to add the data point.
      Screenshot 2024-02-15 at 13.19.32
  • Screenshot 2024-02-15 at 13.11.20
    • To add a comment, double-click the point on the curve at which you wish to insert your comment.
    • The comments box (similar to the RI) opens. Choose the event you'd like to set a comment for, add notes and adjust the time or temperature if necessary.
    • Click Update comment to submit, or Delete comment to delete.
      Screenshot 2024-02-15 at 13.12.44
  • Screenshot 2024-02-15 at 13.28.15
    • To change the duration of your roast, move the start or end point to the desired point in time or enter the start and end time in the fields below.
    • Click Update duration to confirm.
      Screenshot 2024-02-15 at 13.31.23

Copying a curve

To copy a roasting curve, click the Copy curve button. A dropdown menu appears on the bottom. 

  1. Select the roast you would like to copy from the drop-down menu and click Copy curve.
  2. The roast and all set comments will be copied. 
    Screenshot 2024-02-15 at 13.38.34

Uploading a curve

To upload a roasting curve, click the Upload curve button then complete the steps below:

  1. Select the file you'd like to upload from your computer and submit.
  2. The roast with all its comments will be uploaded. The imported curve can not be adjusted. Comments and duration can be edited.

An added feature of the Roast Designer is that you can now import any roasts you've saved on other systems like Artisan or Probat Pilot into Cropster. The importer is compatible with CRC- (Cropster), XML- (Probat Pilot) and JSON- (Artisan) files. 

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Congratulations! You are now ready to use the Cropster Roast Curve Designer.

Your opinion matters. If you have further questions, feedback, or concerns, please feel free to reach out by submitting a support ticket directly from