Creating a Sensorial session

This manual will explain how to create a Sensorial session within Cropster.

Creating a Sensorial session is available for the following products:

  • Roast: All tiers
  • Commerce
  • Origin: All tiers 

Creating a Sensorial session

There are four ways to create a Sensorial session:

  1. Via the Dashboard
  2. Via the Cupping sessions overview page
  3. Via the Roasts overview page
  4. Within Cropster Cup

Via the dashboard

  1. Log in to the online platform C-sar to get to your dashboard. 
  2. Click  the + Add button on the top right side of the page. 
  3. Click + Cupping session to create a new quality session.
    Screenshot 2024-08-08 at 09.31.30

Via the Cupping sessions overview page

  1. Log in to the online platform C-sar.
  2. Navigate to Quality on the main menu bar.
  3. Select Cupping sessions.
  4. You will be directed to the Cupping sessions overview page.
  5. To create a new quality session, click on the +Add cupping session button on the right upper corner of your Cupping sessions overview page.
    Screenshot 2024-08-08 at 09.35.27

Via the Roasts overview page 

You need Roast viewing & editing permissions to perform the following actions.

  1. Log in to the online platform C-sar.
  2. Navigate to Roasts on the main menu bar. You will be directed to the Roasts overview page.
  3.  Select the coffees you want to cup by clicking on the checkbox next to the PR number.
  4. Click to Quality > Add cupping session. 
    Screenshot 2024-08-08 at 09.36.41

Setting up a sensorial session

There are standard non-blind sessions and advanced sessions which offer better tracking and blind cupping sessions.

Advanced Sessions are reserved for Lab and Roast Professional accounts. Advanced session features are indicated with a * below.

If you would like to try advanced session features, we offer 14-day trials of higher packages to current Cropster users. Please contact your sales representative or simply email

  1. When creating a session you have the following customization options:
    • Session type*: Choose between Non-blind, Blind and Double-blind cupping.
    • Schedule for*: Schedule a session for a specific date and time.
    • Name: Give your session a unique name so it's easier to find.
    • Sheet*: Select a cupping sheet you want to use.
    • Lab: Track samples across multiple labs.
    • Category*: Set a category to better capture your cupping sessions
    • Label*: For Blind and Double-blind cuppings, you have three label options:
      • Alphabetical (A, B, C)
      • Numerical (1, 2, 3)
      • 3 Letters (ABC, DEF, GHI)
        Screenshot 2024-08-08 at 09.38.40
  2. Samples: Select the lots and samples you would like to include in this session from the table.
    If you have created the session via the Roasts overview page, the Samples section will already be pre-filled with your selection.  
    • To speed up things, the table is limited to only show lots and samples registered within the last month. Simply adjust the registration date filter if you cannot find your desired lot. (1)
    • You can also change the order of the samples/lots on the table by dragging-and-dropping the selected lots into the right order. (2)
      Screenshot 2024-08-08 at 09.40.31
  3. Click Save as draft if you want to alter the session at a later point or click Save & Next to submit your session and start cupping. 
  4. The following steps may vary based on your subscription plan:
    • Roast Foundation: Before proceeding to the session, it is essential to define the evaluators who will be participating in the Sensorial session.
    • Roast Professional: You need to specify the preferred cupping method (e.g. Cropster Cup)

💡 Once the session is open you can start entering results within the browser directly or by using the Cropster Cup app. 

Session status

A session can come in three stages:

  1. Draft: The session can be edited any time. 
  2. Open: The session is available in Cropster Cup. You can not edit the session anymore.
    💡 If any alteration is needed, click Clone session to open another session with the same specifications in Draft state. 
  3. Closed: The session can not be evaluated anymore. If needed the session can be reopened by clicking Open session

📚 Learn more about the Sensorial sessions.

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Congratulations! You are now ready to create up a Sensorial session within Cropster. 

Your opinion matters. If you have further questions, feedback, or concerns, please feel free to reach out by submitting a support ticket directly from