Using the Quality Module

This article introduces the Cropster's Quality Module. 

Using the Quality Module is available for the following products:

  • Roast: All tiers
  • Commerce
  • Origin: All tiers 
  • Lab

📚 Learn more about setting up your Lab in Cropster before proceeding.

The Quality Module

Quality is the heart of Cropster Lab and one of the three pillars of a Cropster Roast account, alongside Roast and Green Inventory.

Consistently cupping and logging your analyses is crucial for learning the most about your roasts and green coffee. With this in mind we designed our cupping features, cupping app, and quality section.

There are three subsections in Quality:

  1. Sensorial
  2. Physical
  3. Sessions

Within the overview page of each section you can:

  • Use filters to find specific cuppings and analyses
  • Access the quality information of a certain lot or session
  • Export the data

Using filters

Use filters if you want to look for specific information. 

  1. Click Quality > Sensorial to enter the Sensorial section.
  2. Click the Customize button in the upper right corner to enable the view of certain columns. 
  3. Use the Filter at top of the table to search for specific information. 
  4. If you want to disable the filter view, click the Clear filters button at the top left corner.

Accessing the quality information

If you want to take a closer look at the quality information of a certain lot or if you want to analyze a cupping session, simply click the relevant ID-tag.

Exporting data

To export your data to a PDF or Excel-sheet, simply use the Export button you will find at the top right corner of each page. 

📚 Learn more about exporting data quality data from our Excel export function.


The Sensorial section holds the individual sensorial quality information for each lot, which is marked with a QC-tag.

To get to the Sensorial overview page follow the steps below:

  1. Log into the online platform C-sar.
  2. Navigate to Quality on the main menu bar.
  3. Select Sensorial and you will be directed to the Sensorial Analysis overview page. 
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The Sensorial QC details page

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💡 Click on Start tour to get a tour of all the features of our new evaluation detail page. 

  1. Details: In this section you find the lot-ID of the roast or sample that has been cupped, the date of the cupping and the cupping form that has been used. 
  2. Score Summary: This section shows the average score itself, as well as compared to the reference roast of the profile that was being used. 
  3. Top descriptors: It shows you the top three descriptors being used with this lot.
  4. Session: Information about the cupping session. 
  5. Results: A detailed list of all results

Comparing results

To compare the quality information of two or more lots with each other, please check the box next to the lots you want to compare and click the Compare button at the top of the table.
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📚 Learn more information about the Quality Compare Report.

Setting up a new quality control session

To set up a new session, click the Create cupping session button in the upper right corner.

📚 Learn more about how to set up a cupping session.


The Physical section holds the individual physical quality information for your sample lots, which is marked with a QC-tag.

To get to the Physical overview page follow the steps below:

  1. Log into the online platform C-sar.
  2. Navigate to Quality on the main menu bar.
  3. Select Physical and you will be directed to the Physical Analysis overview page. 
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The Physical QC detail page

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  1. Details: In this section you find the lot-ID of the sample that has been controlled, the date of the cupping, the lab, evaluator, the weight and the cupping form that has been used. 
  2. Physical Summary: This section shows a summary of the key indicators, such as screen size, defects*, moisture, water activity, density.
  3. Moisture & WA over time: This section shows the over time development of water activity and moisture. 
  4. General: Below you see a detailed description of all indicators.

*Defect logging is not available on Foundation packages. 

Setting up a new Physical Analysis

To set up a new session, click the Add Physical Analysis button in the upper right corner. 

📚 Learn more about how to enter a Physical Analysis.


The Sessions section holds the information about all your Quality sessions. A session is marked with an QS-tag and contains of several QCs.

To get to the Sessions overview page follow the steps below:

  1. Log into the online platform C-sar.
  2. Navigate to Quality on the main menu bar.
  3. Select Cupping Sessions and you will be directed to the Cupping Sessions overview page. 
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The QC-Session details page

  1. Action button: Through this button you can close or reopen a session. Depending of the current status of the session the button says either Open session or Enter session and Close session.
  2. Session stats:  Show the total number of samples, evaluators and results. 
  3. Details: Here you can see the current status of the session, the date when the session took place, the form that has been used, the lab and the type of the session.
  4. Evaluators: A list of evaluators. By using the buttons you can edit, exclude or remove evaluators from a session.
  5. Session information: In this section, you can see the cupped coffees, descriptors and the final score. When clicking on the Eye symbol, the categories and their scores show up. Via the Customize button you can, edit the view. 
  6. Roast Compare: Clicking the button opens the Roast Compare report for the coffees being cupped within the session in question. 
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Creating a new quality session

To set up a cupping session, click the +Add cupping session button in the upper right corner of the Cupping sessions overview page. 

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📚 Learn more about how to create a new session.

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Congratulations! You are now ready to use the Quality module.

Your opinion matters. If you have further questions, feedback, or concerns, please feel free to reach out by submitting a support ticket directly from