Using Classifications

Classifications identify coffees by quality attributes, especially screen size. These are used to estimate the amount of green weight before dry-milling lots.

Creating classifications

  1. Under the Quality tab, navigate to Classifications
  2. Press 'Add new'
  3. Choose to either 
    • Start with a blank classification or
    • Select a standard classification from the list

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Standard Classifications

The is a list of pre-selected criteria based on the classification systems of different countries. If you wish to base your classifications on one of these standards, search for your country of origin from the list.

Standard classifications are not exhaustive and can be further customized.

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Filter criteria

There are 2 options you can use to filter which lots may be assigned to this classification:

  • Processing methods - Washed, Natural, etc.
  • Varieties - Bourbon, Typica, Geisha, etc.

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If you leave the filter criteria empty, it means this classification is valid for all lots.

If you use the filter, then any lot with at least one matching processing method and variety will be valid.

Estimate enabled and default yield factor

This feature is only available for Cropster Origin Subscriptions.

The 'estimate yield' option allows you to display the expected weight that you should receive after milling a PP Lot (one that has a Parchment, Dry cherry, or Raw green State).

If you choose the 'Enabled' option, a required field called Default yield factor is displayed. Enter a percentage that you would usually expect to receive for this classification based on the formula:

Yield factor (%) = green weight of this classification
                            unmilled weight

Later, when you are on the Lot detail page, this classification will be visible in the 'Classifications' table.

If you choose the 'Disabled' option, then this classification will not be visible in the 'Classifications' table.

For example: if you normally receive 50 kg of green coffee of Colombia Excelso 15 when you mill 100kg of parchment, then you should enter 50% as the default yield factor. Screen Shot 2022-10-11 at 10.34.15

The default yield factor will be replaced if you perform a screen size analysis and have set the screen size range.

Screen size standards

Toggle the 'Screen sizes standards' to display a slider indicating the 'Target screen size range'.

  • The range runs from 10-20. You may drag the slider to restrict the range that applies for this classification.
  • If you select 'Use peaberry screen sizes instead of flat beans', the range will change from 8-13, representing the oblong-shaped peaberry screens.
  • You can set a tolerance for the percent weight of beans Allowed range beyond the target range. By default, the bottom on the Allowed range is 'UG' or 'under grade' and the top of the Allowed range is 20 (the largest screen size).
  • If you select 'Restrict screen size range beyond Target' you can further restrict the Allowed range minimum and maximum.

For example: For this classification you define the Target screen size of between 17-20, with an Allowance of 5% below the Target range, but with a minimum of screen size 14.Screen Shot 2022-10-11 at 10.35.01

Defect standards

Toggle the 'Defects standards' to display three fields:

  • Defects 1 max - Enter the maximum number of primary (Category 1) defects allowed for this classification.
  • Defects 2 max - Enter the minimum number of primary (Category 2) defects allowed for this classification.
  • Total defects max - Enter the maximum number of total defect equivalents (Category 1 + Category 2) allowed for this classification.

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Sensorial standards

  • Cupping score - Enter the minimum allowed cupping score for this classification.
  • Descriptors - Choose one or more flavors that apply to this classification.

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  • Notes - a text entry field to further describe the classification.

Viewing classifications on lot details

This section only applies to PP Lots, which have a State that is Parchment, Dry cherry or Raw green.

  1. Navigate to Inventory tab
  2. Select a PP Lot to view the details page
  3. Scroll to the bottom of the details page until you see a table called Classifications
  4. On this screen you will see the following columns:
    • Classification name - the only classifications listed are those that fulfill the filter criteria and have the estimate option enabled.
    • Yield factor (%) - initially, the default yield factor is displayed. However, this will be replaced if a green grading with advanced screen sizes is performed.
    • Yield factor (kg/unit) - is the green weight unit (from Origin Settings) divided by the Yield factor (%). This expression is commonly used in Colombia, and tells the users how many kilograms are needed to create one unit (ie. one 70 kg Bag).
    • Est. green weight - The Yield Factor (%) multiplied by the current weight of the lot. This is the weight you can expect for this classification when you mill the lot.

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The Yield Factor unit is the same as the Green weight unit under Origin Settings.

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Screen sizes and yield factors

Main Article: Adding a green grading

This section only applies to classifications that have a screen size standards set.

The default yield factor you entered when creating the classification is intended as a placeholder value. To get a better estimate you should perform an advanced screen size analysis during green grading.

To add a screen size analysis:

  • Under the lot details, select 'Add green grading'.
  • Make sure the options for 'Screen size' and 'Milling' are selected.

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  • Ensure the toggle is set the 'Advanced'.
  • Enter the weight of each screen size. The sum of the screen sizes should equal to Green weight.
  • Enter the total Unmilled weight of the dry cherry or parchment.

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  • Press 'Save and close'.
  • Under the lot details, you will see that the yield factors and estimated green weight in the Classifications table have been updated.

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Assign a classification to a lot

You can assign a classification to add lot from the Add/Edit page. This works for both PG and PP lots

You can only assign a Classification to a lot that meets the filter criteria

Navigate to the Edit page using the pencil icon. You will need to reveal the 'Classification' option by pressing the checkbox under the 'Customize' menu.

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From the Inventory view, you can also reveal the Classification using the 'Customize' menu. Notice that the 'Estimated green weight' has been updated depending on which classification is assigned to the lot (this is only true for PP lots).

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Mill lots with classifications

Main article: How to mill lots

The classifications table is also visible when you are milling lots. You can see the estimated green weight for each classification depending on the amount to be milled. This also works if you are milling multiple lots, allowing you to see the sum of the estimates. This helps you determine what amount you should mill from each lot.

Example: If you goal is to mill 100 x 70kg bags of Colombia Excelso 15, the estimate table can reveal that a combination of 10,000 kg from PP-0094 and 2,000 kg from PP-0095 should yield a sufficient amount.

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In the lower part of the mill lots page, you can input the actual amount of green weight you received after milling, and assign the correct classification for each new lot.

If you add weight to an existing green lot, the previously assigned classification is read-only.

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