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Managing Roasted Inventory

This manual will introduce the Roasted Inventory page.

Managing Roasted Inventory is available for the following product:

  • Commerce and higher tiers

In Cropster, Roasted Inventory refers to coffee that has been roasted, as opposed to green. It is divided into 3 tabs: 

  1. Loose Inventory
  2. Post-roast blend Inventory
  3. Packaged Inventory

The current iteration of the Roasted Inventory does not take locations into account.
The amounts displayed refer to all roastery locations. 

Accessing the Roasted Inventory page

By following the steps below you can access the Roasted Inventory page: 

  1. Log into the online platform C-sar
  2. Navigate to Roasted Inventory on the main menu bar.
  3. You will be immediately directed to the Loose Inventory page.
  4. Switch to the Packaged Inventory tab to view your already packaged coffee that is ready to be shipped.

Loose Inventory

The Loose Inventory is summarized per Profile group and refers to roasted coffee that is not yet packaged. 

To maintain a good overview of your stock, it is important to make use of Profile groups, as your products are defined by Profile group. 

The Loose Inventory takes all roasts from the last 30 days into account. 

To filter for specific Profile groups only, use the Filter top right. 
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The table contains the following fields:

  • On-hand - The total weight of all roasts (PR lots) that have been roasted within the past 30 days but that have not yet been packaged. (ie, how much loose inventory is sitting in bins at the roastery?)
  • Ordered - The total weight of all orders received within the past 30 days but that have not yet been fulfilled. (ie, how much coffee do I need for my current orders?)
  • Allocated -  This columns only shows allocated if you select roasts manually. 
  • To roast - This column displays the total amount of coffee ordered for the selected profile group, which includes both single origins and post-roast blends.
  • In packing - The total weight of all roasts required by a packaging plan that have been roasted within the past 30 days. (ie, how much coffee do I need to meet my packaging requirements?)
  • Scheduled - The total weight of roasts scheduled for within 7 days into the future. After roasting this weight will be added to 'On-hand' (ie, how much coffee will I have when these scheduled roasts are completed?)
  • Available - The available amount is calculated by On-hand - Allocated.

By clicking on the EditWeightIcon@2x Adjust weight button on the right side of the page you can record any changes and/or discrepancies, so you will always have an accurate level of your stock. 

Once you've marked the selected PR lots consumed, they will not be considered in the calculations for Loose Inventory. 

Post-roast blend Inventory 

The Post-roast blend Inventory overview page shows only blends which were created with a Post-roast blend Profile. 

The Post-roast blend Inventory takes all roasts from the last 30 days into account. 

To filter for specific Profile groups only, use the Filter top right. 
Screenshot 2024-04-05 at 11.57.46
By clicking on Blend coffee on the top right side of the page, you will be directed to the Create a blend page
Screenshot 2024-04-05 at 12.34.00

📚 Learn how to create a Post-roast blend

Packaged Inventory

Packaged inventory is summarized by Product, with each Product variant listed individually according to it's Unit and Grind style.

Active products linked to Profile groups or blend profiles are showing up in this list. 

To filter for specific Products only, use the Filter top right. 

The table contains the following fields:

  • On-hand - The number of packages currently in stock (ie, how much stock do I have at the roastery?)
  • Ordered - The number of packages ordered received within the last 30 days but that have not yet been fulfilled. (ie, how much stock do I need for my current orders?)
  • Allocated - The number of packages already assigned to orders within an order fulfillment plan (ie, how much stock is already spoken for?)
  • In packing - The number of packages that will be created once packaging plans have been executed, the plans cannot be more than 7 days old (ie, how much new stock do I expect to have soon?)
  • Available - The available amount is calculated by On-hand - Allocated.
    • The difference between the amount of On-hand packaged inventory and the amount required by Allocated shows how much of a surplus you have (ie, how much stock do I have that is NOT spoken for?)


1. How do I mark the PR lots consumed? 

By following the steps below you can mark the PR lots consumed:
  1. Log into the online platform C-sar.
  2. Navigate to Roasts on the main menu bar.
  3. You will be directed to the Roasts overview page.
  4. Select the PR lots you would like to mark consumed by clicking on the respective checkboxes.
    Screenshot 2024-03-05 at 08.54.26
  5. Click on Mark consumed.

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Congratulations! You have learned about Roasted Inventory. 

Your opinion matters. If you have further questions, feedback, or concerns, please feel free to reach out by submitting a support ticket directly from support.cropster.com.