Creating Orders manually

This article will explain how to create Orders manually.


      If you have a Shopify, WooCommerce/Beans shops your products will be created in the course of the shop connection: 

      If you want to use the Commerce module without shop integration:


      If you have a shop integration set up, your orders will automatically be added to Cropster when syncing the shop. 

      You can add orders manually if you do not have a shop connected to Cropster. 

      Creating Orders

      By following the steps below you can manually create Orders

      1. Log in to the online platform C-sar
      2. Navigate to Commerce on the main menu bar.
      3. Select Orders. You will be directed to the Orders overview page
      4. Click + Add Order > Order top right
        Screenshot 2024-11-05 at 10.12.29
      5. Enter the following details:
        * is indicating mandatory fields  
        Screenshot 2024-11-05 at 10.13.33
        • External Reference: Enter an external ID number e.g. from your online shop.
        • Date*: Enter the date.
        • Time*: Enter the time.
        • Customer type: Choose the customer type (Wholesale or Retail).
        • Customer: Name of the business/person who placed the order.
        • Sales person
      6. Enter the Ordered products:
        * is indicating mandatory fields
        • Product*: Choose the product/bundle variant.
          💡The product name and variant (SKU) or the bundle name (SKU) will be displayed in the field. 
        • Quantity*: Enter the ordered amount. 
      7. Add another product by clicking the + Add product button.
      8. By clicking on the Create & add new button you can save the order. This step will save the order and also opens a new "Add order" page. 
      9. When you are done, click Create order to submit.
      10. Your orders are now visible on the Orders Overview page.
        💡 Each order receives an individual ID-Tag starting with OR.
      Screenshot 2024-11-05 at 10.14.57

      The Orders detail page

      By clicking on the OR-tag you will be navigated to the Orders detail page

      Screenshot 2024-11-05 at 10.15.50

      You can view the General details of your selected Order: 

      • Status
      • Order date
      • Created at
      • External reference
      • Customer type

      You can also view the details of the products that have been ordered at the Ordered products section

      • Product
      • Variant
      • SKU
      • Lot name
      • Quantity

      The following actions can be completed via the Orders detail page

      1. By clicking on the EditIcon (1)-png-2 Edit icon you can edit your Open Orders
      2. By clicking on the ArchiveIcon (1)-png Archive icon you can archive your Orders.
      3. By clicking on the green Fulfill button, you can create an Order Fulfillment. 

      If there are any products in the Order that have not been reviewed yet, the Fulfill button will not be available for use.

      Editing Orders

      You can only edit Orders with the status 'Open'.

      By following the steps below you can edit Orders with the status 'Open':

      1. Complete steps 1-3 written above
      2. Navigate to the EditIcon (1)-png-2 Edit icon on the right side of the page at the Order you wish to edit. 
        Screenshot 2024-11-05 at 10.17.49
      3. You will be directed to the Edit Order page.
        Screenshot 2024-11-05 at 10.18.45
      4. You can edit the following details:
        * is indicating mandatory fields  
        • External Reference: Enter an external ID number e.g. from your online shop.
        • Date*: Enter the date.
        • Time*: Enter the time.
        • Customer type: Choose the customer type (Wholesale or Retail).
        • Customer: Name of the business/person who placed the order.
        • Sales person: Enter a Sales person.
        • Product*:  Choose the product/bundle variant.
          💡The product name and variant (SKU) or the bundle name (SKU) will be displayed in the field. 
        • Quantity*: Enter the ordered amount. 
      5. Add another product by clicking the + Add product button.
      6. Click on Update Order to submit the changes. 

      📚 Learn how to create an Order Fulfillment plan

      Filtering Orders 

      By following the steps below you can easily filter your Orders via the Orders overview page

      1. Log in to the online platform C-sar
      2. Navigate to Commerce on the main menu bar.
      3. Select Orders. You will be directed to the Orders overview page
      4. Click on the FilterIcon-png Filter icon on the top right side of the page. 
      5. The following window will pop up on the right side of the page:
        Screenshot 2024-07-23 at 09.41.38
      6. You can filter your Orders according to the following criteria:
        • ID-Tag
        • External reference
        • A specific timeframe by entering the start and end dates for the Order date.
        • Status
        • By toggling the 'Include archived Orders' button green, you can also include your archived Orders.
      7. Click on Apply filters
        💡 The number of results will be shown on the left side of the Filter window. By clicking on Reset filters you can enter new criteria. 

      Related content

      Congratulations! You are now ready to set up the Orders module.

      Your opinion matters. If you have further questions, feedback, or concerns, please feel free to reach out by submitting a support ticket directly from