Using Cafe's Consistency Report

In this article you will learn how to use the Consistency Report for your connected espresso machines.

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Note: In order to access the Consistency report, you need a connected espresso machine, and you need to have Cafe manager permissions. Learn about how to connect your espresso machine in Cropster Cafe, and  How to add and remove users (user permissions).

Cafe's Consistency report

The Consistency report helps you understand the consistency of the Brews on your connected espresso machines, and to detect outliers and potential issues in your brewing production. You can get an overview in one, or across multiple locations, and dig into each automatically captured brewing parameter.

To open the Consistency Report, follow the steps below:

  1. From C-sar, go to Cafe > Telemetry Insights > Consistency Report.
  2. Select your filters.

    1. Enter the date range you'd like to take a look at.
      Note: Click on the start date or end date fields to prompt a calendar to choose amongst predefined date ranges or enter a custom date.
    2. Choose how you want to Aggregate by.
      • Day: Brews are aggregated per Equipment per day.
      • Day of week: Brews are aggregated per Equipment per day of the week (e.g. all mondays together, all tuesdays together, etc.).
      • Equipment: Brews are aggregated per Equipment.
    3. Select the Equipment to take into account, and which Parameters you want to focus on (up to 4 parameters - Time, Yield, Brew Water Volume, Temperature).
    4. (optional) Choose whether to exclude or include test brews via the Include test brews checkbox.
  3. Click the Apply filters button.

Overview cards

The first overview cards give you key numbers that indicate your consistency among brews captured by your selected filters:

  • (1) Brews with these filters are the total number of brews with a recorded value for any of the selected parameters.
    By hovering above the overview card, you will see the total number of brews for each of the selected parameters.
  • Percentage of brews that are (2) In range - % of brews that are not outliers for the set parameters.
  • Percentage of brews that are (3) Out of range for [Time, Yield, BWV, Temperature] - % of brews that are outliers for the set parameters.

Parameter overview cards

Using the parameter overview cards, you can dig in per parameter to gain deeper insight into your consistency per individual parameters. 

You have the option to focus on information based on parameters; there is a button for each of the parameters applied via the filter. Simply select the Parameter button* for the parameter you want to focus on (e.g. Time. Yield, etc.), then check out the overview cards.

* = The method to select a parameter changes between buttons/menu depending whether you are accessing the site on mobile or iPad/computer.

  • (1) brews with [parameter] are the total number of brews captured by your selected filters with a recorded value for the parameter selected.
  • % of brews that are (2) below range for the parameter (i.e. Brews that are outliers below the minimum).
  • % of brews that are (3) above range for the parameter (i.e. Brews that are outliers above the maximum).
  • (4) Average value for the parameter.
  • (5) Standard deviation for the parameter.

The parameter overview cards focus on a singular parameter. The parameter can be adjusted using the Parameter buttons/menu.

How do we calculate outliers?

The Consistency report uses a statistical calculation to identify outliers. Any value below Q1-1.5xIQR and above Q3+1,5xIQR is considered an outlier, whereby:

  • Q1 (the first quartile): this value identifies the median of the lowest 50% of your brews
  • Q3  (the third quartile): this value identifies the median of the highest 50% of your brews
  • IQR (interquartile range): this value defines the difference between Q3 and Q1, which holds roughly 50% of your brews, ie. 25% above and 25% below your median.

Note: Any value that is not an outlier, is considered in range.

Box plot chart per parameter

The Box plot chart allows you to dig into the consistency of the brews per aggregate as per the selected filters. This allows you to compare the consistency from one day to another, between certain days of the week, and specific equipment to help you locate potential issues better.

In the chart, we use so-called "box and whisker plots"—also just called a box plot. Each box plot displays the five-number summary of a set of brews per aggregate.

A few visual easy-to-read cues to interpret these box plots; when the data is less spread out, thus it is more consistent, and...

  • The more compact the actual box is (i.e. the roughly 50% of your brews around the median).
  • The smaller the length of the whiskers is (i.e. the min and max values are also close to your 1st & 3rd quartile).
  • The fewer outliers there are.

Note: The Box plot chart data varies based on the parameter selected from the Parameters button/menu.

How to read a box plot?

The five-number summary is the minimum, first quartile, median, third quartile, and maximum.
The minimum and maximum values are the lowest and highest values in the dataset, excluding the outliers (calculated as per above).

For more easy to understand tutorials on how to use and interpret box plots, we like these lessons.

Congratulations! You are ready to use Cafe's Consistency report! 

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