How to archive a Profile

This article explains you how to archive and unarchive a Profile.

An archived Profile can not be fetched by the RI anymore. Archived Profiles can be retrieved at any time. Profiles part of an active schedule or linked to a product can not be archived until they are removed.

Archiving a Profile is available for the following products:

  • Roast (all tiers)
  • Commerce 

Archiving a Profile

By following the steps below you can archive a Profile:

  1. Log in to the online platform C-sar.
  2. Navigate to Roasts > Profiles
  3. If the Archived column is not yet enabled, enable it by clicking the Customize button top-right and check the box next to Archived.
  4. To archive a Profile, click the green dot on the right side of the page at the Profile in question. 
    Screenshot 2024-01-17 at 11.34.20
  5.  The red dot indicates that the Profile has been successfully archived.
  6. Only archived profile can be deleted. To delete a Profile use the DeleteIcon@2x (1) Delete icon.

A deleted profile cannot be retrieved. 

Unarchiving a Profile

By following the steps below you can unarchive a Profile:

  1. Log in to the online platform C-sar.
  2. Navigate to Roasts > Profiles
  3. If the Archived column is not yet enabled, enable it by clicking the Customize button top-right and check the box next to Archived.
  4. Look for the Profile you would like to unarchive.
  5. Click the red dot to unarchive the Profile. A green dot indicates that the action was successful.
    Screenshot 2024-01-17 at 11.32.10-2

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Congratulations! You are now ready to archive and unarchive a Profile.

Your opinion matters. If you have further questions, feedback or concerns, please feel free to reach out by submitting a support ticket directly from