How to synchronize previously ignored/unlinked Products

This article will explain how to synchronize previously ignored or unlinked Products.

By following the steps below, you can easily synchronize previously ignored/unlinked Products:

  1.  Log in to the online platform C-sar.
  2. Navigate to SettingsIcon-png Gear icon on the top right side of the page and select Commerce settings
  3. Select the Integrations option located in the left sidebar of the page. You will be directed to the Integrations overview page.
    Screenshot 2025-02-20 at 11.18.30
  4. Click on the SyncIcon@2x Synchronize button on the top right side of the page. 
    Screenshot 2025-02-20 at 11.20.26
  5. To view products that have been previously ignored or not linked, simply select the checkbox labeled Include previously ignored or unlinked products.
    Screenshot 2025-02-20 at 11.15.52
  6. Select the checkbox next to the Products and Product variants that you would like to include in the mapping process.
  7. Continue with the subsequent steps to complete the product mapping process.

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You are now ready to synchronize previously ignored/unlinked Products. 

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