About the weight loss

This article will explain how to track weight loss with Cropster.

Tracking the weight loss with Cropster

There are two options for how weight loss can be tracked with Cropster:

  1. Calculated weight loss
  2. Expected weight loss

After finishing a roast, the end weight and weight loss of the roasted batch can be tracked:
Screenshot 2024-07-04 at 13.09.28

📚 Learn how to adjust the roast weights

Calculated weight loss

When tracking the end weight manually for at least ten roasts of a specific Profile, Cropster takes the average weight loss (in %) of the last ten roasts and shows it as the expected weight loss with the Profile.

The end weight field will then be pre-filled based on the expected weight loss. 

Expected weight loss 

When creating a Profile, the expected weight loss (%) can be saved with the Profile.

If the expected weight loss field has been filled out, Cropster automatically calculates the end weight of your roast batches based on the expected weight loss.

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Congratulations! You are now ready to track the weight loss with Cropster.

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