Fulfilling Tasks

This article will explain how to navigate to the Task Board also how to fulfill tasks and edit schedules.

Tasks is available for the following products:

  • Cafe
  • Roast Professional and higher tiers
  • Origin Professional and higher tiers
  • Lab

The Task board

You need Task viewing permission to access the task board. As soon as a task becomes due, it will we populated on the Task Board.

By following the steps below you can access the Task Board:

  1. Log in to the online platform C-sar.
  2. On your dashboard you see tasks (assigned to you or anyone) that are due today. Click on Tasks due today to get to the Task Board.
    Screenshot 2024-07-02 at 09.58.32
  3. If there are no due tasks, you can access the Task Board, by clicking on Tasks from the main menu bar. 
    Screenshot 2023-12-19 at 11.17.02
  4. From the Task Board you can see all due and overdue tasks for the selected time period, independent from its assignee or status.
    💡 Production volume based tasks will be shown at the top. 

From the Task Board you can filter for tasks relevant to you or change their status

Tasks assigned to a specific roasting machine may also appear in Roasting Intelligence (RI).

Filtering tasks

    From the task board, you can filter for tasks relevant to you. You can switch between different date presets or set up customizable filters

    Screenshot 2024-07-02 at 10.02.32

    Date presets

    By clicking at the respective date preset, you are able to view tasks that are due Today (=default) or within:

    • Last 7 days 
    • Next 7 days
    • Next 30 days

    Production-volume based tasks will not appear in the Next 7 days or Next 30 days view.

    Customizable filters

    By clicking the Filter button, the filter sidebar opens where you can apply multiple criteria to show tasks that are relevant to you. 

    Filterable options are: 

    • Task name
    • Task status
    • Task frequency
    • Assigned to
    • Roasting machine
    • Cafe equipment
    • Location
    • Task category

    Task statuses

    A task can have the following statuses: 

    As soon as a task becomes due it will be populated as To do on the Task board. 
    For tasks that are currently being processed.
     For fulfilled tasks.
    For tasks that should be skipped or can not be fulfilled.

    Overdue tasks

    An orange date or production volume in the Due column on the Task board indicates an Overdue tasks

    In Roasting Intelligence an overdue task turns orange and shows for how long the tasks has been overdue. 

    Changing the task status

    Tasks can be fulfilled from the Task board or from within Roasting Intelligence directly. 

    Fulfilling tasks from the Task board

    There are several ways to fulfill tasks:

    Checking off the task

    Check the box next to the task to change the status of a task from any status to Done.

    Changing the status from the Status dropdown

    You can change the status from the drop-down. Any status can be revised by anyone.
    E.g. Select In progress for a task that takes longer to indicate that you are working on it. 

    Changing the status from the Task detail modal

    Via the Task detail modal, you can access additional information you might need to fulfill your task, change the status, add comments and revise the revise the date when a task has been fulfilled.

    Click View details button to open the detail view. Within the detail view, you can view additional information related to the task. 

    You can edit the following information: 

    • Status: change the status bz selecting the new status from the drop-down menu.
      • When changing the status to Done, additional fields will be populated to allow you editing who completed the task and the date and time of completion. 
      • The overdue flag will remain active unless the status is set to Won't do.
        💡 If you have finished a task in time but you forgot to check it off, you can enter the enter the time when the task has actually been finished to remove the Overdue flag.
    • Comment: Add a comment to your tasks, e.g. to provide additional information to your manager or co-worker or to log what has been done. 

    Fulfilling tasks from Roasting Intelligence (RI)

    Tasks that are assigned to a Roasting machine can also show up in RI if this option has been enabled by the task issuer.

    As soon as a task becomes due, there will be an indicator with the Tasks icon in RI. 

    To fulfill a task from within RI:

    1. Switch to the Tasks sidebar, by clicking on the Tasks icon bottom left. 
    2. Click the See more button and select the action
      • Mark as done
      • Mark as Won't do
      • Mark with a comment

    Related content

    Congratulations! You have learned how to navigate through the Task Board, fulfill and change the status of the the tasks.

    Your opinion matters. If you have further questions, feedback, or concerns, please feel free to reach out by submitting a support ticket directly from support.cropster.com.