Using Cafe Radar

This article explains how to use Cafe Radar in Cropster Cafe.

The Cafe Radar is available for the following products:

  • Cafe Foundation

This feature is currently beta-tested by a few selected accounts. Beta-testing means that the features are being tested with a selected group of users to help us identify minor flaws under everyday conditions that we cannot reproduce internally. If you want to participate in beta testing, please email to


What is Cafe Radar

Cafe Radar is a customisable dashboard that allows for the oversight of quality, production, and espresso machines across multiple locations by aggregating data from any connected espresso machine into Key Performance Indicators (KPIs). 

By following the steps below you can navigate to Cafe Radar:

  1. Log into the online platform C-sar
  2. Navigate to Cafe on the main menu bar
  3. Select Radar

Selecting a Date Range and Filter for Espresso Machines

Cafe Radar allows you to select a date range from the Date Range drop-down menu that includes data from today, yesterday, the last 7 days, last week, or last month. The default setting is Last week.  

Cafe Radar also allows to filter for specific espresso machines set up in Cropster Cafe. The default machine filter setting is no machines filtered, thus all selected. 

Users can save the filter selection of their dashboard (ie. timeframe & machines), and the customized selection and layout of KPIs are automatically saved per user so that when the dashboard is returned to, the saved view will show instead of the default view.

The KPI Cards

Cafe Radar shows a dashboard of customizable KPI cards. 

Adding KPI Cards

The default Cafe Radar view for all users includes the KPI cards: 

  • Machines with no brews in the past >12 hours, as a table
  • Machines with >30% brews out of range, as a table
  • Machines with >25% production decrease, as a table
  • Machines with highest % of brews out of range, as a chart
  • Machines with highest increase in brews out of range, as a chart
  • Machines with highest brew production, as a chart
  • Machines with highest increase in brew production, as a chart

A KPI card can be added by clicking on the + Add KPI button on bottom right hand side of the page.

A customisable KPI card will appear, a KPI can be selected from the drop down menu, and the green Add KPI button can be clicked to finalise the KPI card.

The KPI's can be shown as both a table or a chart, the only exception is the Brew Activity KPI, which can only be shown as a table

Types of KPI's

Brew activity

Brew activity refers to the number of machines with no brews in the past X hours, starting from the end of the selected timeframe.

Note that this KPI is following the selected timeframe, so it’s not a ‘current’ view unless the timeframe is ‘Today’. The badge does show ‘currently online’.

Brews in/out of range

Machines with the highest % of brews in/out of range

Machines with % of brews in/out of range higher than



Change in brews in/out of range

Machines with the highest increase in brews in/out of range

Machines with highest decrease in brews in/out of range


Brew production

Machines with highest brew production

Machines with brew production higher than X brews

Machines with lowest brew production

Machines with brew production lower than X brews


Change in brew production

Machines with highest brew production increase

Machines with brew production increase higher than X %

Machines with highest brew production decrease

Machines with brew production decrease higher than X %

Screenshot 2024-02-07 at 08.17.48


It is possible to personalise the types of KPI's displayed, and even set thresholds for specific metrics by clicking on the (...) button on the right corner and choosing the EditIcon (1)-png-2 Edit option.

KPI cards can also be deleted or added anytime by clicking on the DeleteIcon (1)-png-2 Delete icon, and these settings will not affect other user's dashboard setup. 

Machines Overview Table

At the bottom of the Cafe Radar, all espresso machines are shown in a sortable table, showing: 

  • Status (online/offline)
  • Location 
  • Model 
  • Last brew
  • Brew production 
  • Change in production
  • Brews out of range %
  • Change in brews out of range
  • Brews in range %
  • Change in brews in range

Screenshot 2024-02-07 at 08.22.26

It is possible to sort the table per KPI to by clicking the "sort table per..." button at the bottom of every KPI card, or by clicking the arrows next to each KPI on the table to show the machine with either the highest or lowest values per KPI. The default sorting is per 'Last brew'.

Congratulations! You have successfully learned how to use Cafe Radar.

Your opinion matters. If you have further questions, feedback, or concerns, please feel free to reach out by submitting a support ticket directly from